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Besedje slovenskega knjižnega jezika 16. stoletja
Year: 2011 Publisher: Ljubljana : ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC,

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This dictionary provides comprehensive information on the vocabulary used in the Slovenian literary language during the period of the Reformation. It was written based on complete concordance from all editions of Slovenian texts from the period 1550-1603. The word entries are accompanied by grammatical information, such as the part of speech used and other grammatical data. The extent of their use is shown by the attributed sources. The features of the linguistic system of that period are also shown by numerous notices regarding written, phonological and morphological variations.

Raccontare la guerra : I conflitti bellici e la modernità
Year: 2017 Publisher: Florence : Firenze University Press,

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War is an event, theme, topos that induces fiction more than any other - stimulating, one might say, superego-like instances of historical fidelity - to press on its own boundaries, inhibit the space of the invention and merge with non-fictional forms of writing (memorial, diary, reportage ...). But in what way and to what extent its literary (as well as theatrical, cinematographical, comic book...) representation has changed - in terms of tone and strategies, in the degree of deformation of the known and shared reality - in the space of a Century that has seen the transformation of war strategies, media coverage and consequently the collective imagination linked to conflicts? The volume, conceived and edited by Nicola Turi, while tracing the individual path of known and lesser-known authors, in relation to the main theme of the book, both Italian and not (from Leopardi to Zanzotto, from Gadda to Calvino, from Salsa to Dessí, from Luzi and Fenoglio to Leavitt, Eisner and Celestini), also stimulates and elaborates a profound reflection on the bewilderment and natural attraction of the artistic gesture (from time to time in the name of fierce irony, desperate incredulity, the elegiac testimony) for evil, pain, the martial distortion of the human, social and political context.

Konstruktionen zwischen Lexikon und Grammatik : Phrasem-Konstruktionen monolingual, bilingual und multilingual
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter,

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The object of study in this edited volume is semi-schematic phrasemes, which are known in German construction grammar research by the term "phraseme constructions." Ten contributions by internationally renowned authors from the fields of construction grammar carry out a corpus-based study of various German phraseme constructions, contrasting them with five other European languages.

Tuo lumine : L'accademia dei Risvegliati e lo spettacolo a Pistoia tra Sei e Settecento
Year: 2011 Publisher: Firenze, Italy : Firenze University Press,

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Starting from a vast documentary corpus, the result of in-depth archival research, the volume offers an original perspective on the main forms of entertainment in Pistoia between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, focusing in particular on the theatrical activity of the most important cultural institution in the city, the Accademia dei Risvegliati. The survey also examines realities of secondary importance that contributed to enriching the urban cultural fabric, such as the minor stages, the sacred theatre and private entertainment. A broader overview also allows the readers to frame the scope of festive celebrations and occasions for public entertainment, presented through significant exempla.

Immagine del cane in Franz Kafka
Year: 2015 Publisher: Florence : Firenze University Press,

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Within the Kafkaesque bestiary, the dog is undoubtedly the animal that deserves a more careful study: it is the image which the author uses the most, in literary writing but also in the private one, and which occupies a a very large time span, so much so that it becomes a real key figure through which to read Kafka's work from a possible new perspective. The volume aims to demonstrate how the problems that have characterized Kafka's existence are hidden behind the dog's symbology, the reflections around which he has concentrated, throughout his life, his thought and his writing: the woman and the question of marriage, writing itself, religion as a relationship with the divine.

L'intervista immaginata : Da genere mediatico a invenzione letteraria
Year: 2022 Publisher: Florence : Firenze University Press,

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Journalism invented the interview, a tool to investigate the lives of writers. This indiscretion triggers the authors' reaction: a new literary genre, the imagined interview, becomes a shield to protect their own intimacy as wells as a tactic to overturn the press' spotlight, primarily against the interviewers. Pretending to be like them, the authors will also be able to talk to the ghosts of our imagination. All their interlocutors become characters shaped by irony, satire, self-representation. Through the creative variations of the imagined interview and across different media (publishing, radio, television, digital devices), this book shows how the media context, with its laws and conflicts, is the scene of writers' counterattack-a battle fought by the double-edged sword of journalistic imitation and fictional invention.

Che cos'è l'interlinguistica
ISBN: 9788843046447 8843046446 Year: 2016 Publisher: Roma Carocci

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Das Deutsche als europäische Sprache : Ein Porträt
Year: 2021 Publisher: Berlin : De Gruyter,

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Das Deutsche ist eine der am besten erforschten Sprachen der Welt; weniger bekannt ist, welche Gemeinsamkeiten es mit den europäischen Nachbarsprachen teilt und wo seine Besonderheiten liegen.Die insgesamt acht Kapitel des Buches stellen prägnant und anhand von anschaulichen Beispielen Wortschatz und Grammatik des Deutschen vor. Dabei verhilft ein Vergleich mit den Optionen etwa im Englischen, Französischen, Polnischen, Ungarischen oder anderen europäischen Sprachen zu einem verschärften Blick. Ausgangspunkt ist dabei ein kurzer Abriss der Facetten von Sprache allgemein sowie die Herleitung der grundlegenden Sprachfunktionen aus einer handlungsbezogenen Perspektive. Die folgenden Kapitel stehen unter Motti wie: ?Das Verb ? Zeiten, Modi, Szenarios und Inszenierungen?, ?Der nominale Bereich ? die vielerlei Arten, Gegenstände zu konstruieren? oder ?Der Text ? wenn wir kohärent und dabei narrativ oder argumentativ werden?. Das letzte Kapitel trägt den Titel: ?Das Deutsche ? auf dem Weg zu einem Sprachporträt?.Das Buch soll Sprachinteressierten auch ohne linguistische Fachkenntnisse einen neuen Zugang zu unserer Muttersprache erschließen und die Sensibilität für die sprachliche Verbundenheit auf unserem Kontinent trotz aller Vielfalt stärken.

Sozialisation durch Sprache : interdisziplinare Aspekte erzieherischen Handelns
ISBN: 3781503674 Year: 1978 Publisher: Bad Heilbrunn Klinkhardt

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Automatische Übersetzung : Untersuchungen am Beispiel der Sprachen Englisch und Deutsch
ISBN: 3528037016 9783528037017 Year: 1971 Volume: 2 Publisher: Braunschweig Vieweg

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